Source code for city_scrapers_core.extensions.status

from datetime import datetime

import pytz
from scrapy import Spider, signals
from scrapy.crawler import Crawler

RUNNING = "running"
FAILING = "failing"
STATUS_COLOR_MAP = {RUNNING: "#44cc11", FAILING: "#cb2431"}
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="144" height="20">
    <linearGradient id="b" x2="0" y2="100%">
        <stop offset="0" stop-color="#bbb" stop-opacity=".1"/>
        <stop offset="1" stop-opacity=".1"/>
    <clipPath id="a">
        <rect width="144" height="20" rx="3" fill="#fff"/>
    <g clip-path="url(#a)">
        <path fill="#555" d="M0 0h67v20H0z"/>
        <path fill="{color}" d="M67 0h77v20H67z"/>
        <path fill="url(#b)" d="M0 0h144v20H0z"/>
    <g fill="#fff" text-anchor="middle" font-family="DejaVu Sans,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif" font-size="110">
        <text x="345" y="150" fill="#010101" fill-opacity=".3" transform="scale(.1)">{status}</text>
        <text x="345" y="140" transform="scale(.1)">{status}</text>
        <text x="1045" y="150" fill="#010101" fill-opacity=".3" transform="scale(.1)">{date}</text>
        <text x="1045" y="140" transform="scale(.1)">{date}</text>
"""  # noqa

[docs]class StatusExtension: """Scrapy extension for maintaining an SVG badge for each scraper's status.""" def __init__(self, crawler: Crawler): self.crawler = crawler self.has_error = False # TODO: Track how many items are scraped on each run.
[docs] @classmethod def from_crawler(cls, crawler: Crawler): """Generate an extension from a crawler :param crawler: Current scrapy crawler """ ext = cls(crawler) crawler.signals.connect(ext.spider_closed, signal=signals.spider_closed) crawler.signals.connect(ext.spider_error, signal=signals.spider_error) return ext
[docs] def spider_closed(self): """Updates the status SVG with a running status unless the spider has encountered an error in which case it exits """ if self.has_error: return svg = self.create_status_svg(self.crawler.spider, RUNNING) self.update_status_svg(self.crawler.spider, svg)
[docs] def spider_error(self): """Sets the `has_error` flag on the first spider error and immediately updates the SVG with a "failing" status """ self.has_error = True svg = self.create_status_svg(self.crawler.spider, FAILING) self.update_status_svg(self.crawler.spider, svg)
[docs] def create_status_svg(self, spider: Spider, status: str) -> str: """Format a template status SVG string based on a spider and status information :param spider: Spider to determine the status for :param status: String indicating scraper status, one of "running", "failing" :return: An SVG string formatted for a given spider and status """ tz = pytz.timezone(spider.timezone) return STATUS_ICON.format( color=STATUS_COLOR_MAP[status], status=status, date=tz.localize("%Y-%m-%d"), )
[docs] def update_status_svg(self, spider: Spider, svg: str): """Method for updating the status button SVG for a storage provider. Must be implemented on subclasses. :param spider: Spider with the status being tracked :param svg: Templated SVG string :raises NotImplementedError: Raises if not implemented on subclass """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class AzureBlobStatusExtension(StatusExtension): """ Implements :class:`StatusExtension` for Azure Blob Storage """
[docs] def update_status_svg(self, spider: Spider, svg: str): """Implements writing templated status SVG to Azure Blob Storage :param spider: Spider with the status being tracked :param svg: Templated SVG string """ from import ContainerClient, ContentSettings container_client = ContainerClient( f"{self.crawler.settings.get('AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME')}", self.crawler.settings.get("CITY_SCRAPERS_STATUS_CONTAINER"), credential=self.crawler.settings.get("AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY"), ) container_client.upload_blob( f"{}.svg", svg, content_settings=ContentSettings( content_type="image/svg+xml", cache_control="no-cache" ), overwrite=True, )
[docs]class S3StatusExtension(StatusExtension): """Implements :class:`StatusExtension` for AWS S3"""
[docs] def update_status_svg(self, spider: Spider, svg: str): """Implements writing templated status SVG to AWS S3 :param spider: Spider with the status being tracked :param svg: Templated SVG string """ import boto3 s3_client = boto3.client( "s3", aws_access_key_id=self.crawler.settings.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"), aws_secret_access_key=self.crawler.settings.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"), ) s3_client.put_object( Body=svg.encode(), Bucket=self.crawler.settings.get("CITY_SCRAPERS_STATUS_BUCKET"), CacheControl="no-cache", ContentType="image/svg+xml", Key=f"{}.svg", )
[docs]class GCSStatusExtension(StatusExtension): """Implements :class:`StatusExtension` for Google Cloud Storage"""
[docs] def update_status_svg(self, spider: Spider, svg: str): """Implements writing templated status SVG to Google Cloud Storage :param spider: Spider with the status being tracked :param svg: Templated SVG string """ from import storage client = storage.Client() bucket = client.bucket(self.crawler.settings.get("CITY_SCRAPERS_STATUS_BUCKET")) svg_blob = bucket.blob(f"{}.svg") svg_blob.upload_from_string(svg.encode(), content_type="image/svg+xml")